Examinations and unit tests are compulsory for all students. The details of examinations and unit tests for Classes I to X are already given under C C E.
For all examinations we follow C B S E Curriculum and Questions.
Students who are absent from examination for any reason will not be re-examined .If a pupil is not able to appear for the whole examination for valid reasons his/her case will be considered on the strength of the year's record. In case a student is found using unfair means in an examination, he/she will be awarded zero for that paper and will be debarred from appearing for the rest of the examinations. Repetition of the same offence will result in dismissal.
Terminal Examination and Progress Report
- Promotions are granted on the basis of whole year’s performance.
- The school conducts regular classes. Four formative assessments and two summative assessments, the average mark of these examinations will be taken into consideration for promotion.
- The results declared at the end of the year are final and cannot be reconsidered. Answer books will be shown for the half yearly examination only. The final decision regarding of - promotion of pupils rests with the Principal.
- There must be 75% of attendance of the working days by the pupils. Any pupil failing short of the required percentage will not be granted promotion to the next class.
- Pupils absent from any examination for any reason will not be re examined. The marks obtained in all the examinations and class assessment will be considered for the promotion.
- Progress report showing the scholastic and co-scholastic areas of the pupils and their results must be collected by the parents after every examination. Parents are requested to examine the progress report carefully and see that their wards make a special effort to study the subjects in which they are weak.